Our tools and resources are available for free. Download, customise and share them widely across your personal and professional networks. If you have any questions about using our materials, please send an email to info@imaginenigeria.ng
Imagine Nigeria Report
– full version
Imagine Nigeria Report
– abridged version
Presentations: on the Imagine Nigeria exercise and on how to use its resources.
Imagine Nigeria logo and how to use it
Toolkit: How to organise a learning workshops
Toolkit: Designing and implementing actions
Templates: Event posters
Template: 5 pillars cards (use in learning workshops)
Template: Power Point Template
Template: Social media frame
Imagine Nigeria jingle.
Imagine Nigeria “trailer” and short films with ideas on each of the five pillars of transformation. For more videos, check our YouTube channel.
Video portraits:
know Nigerians who are already working to change the country
Videos of Imagine Nigeria events:
Check the playlist with Imagine Nigeria events live streaming recordings.